Tuesday 14 December 2010


I was drifting off a bit in this last lecture – I don’t know what I was supposed to be learning, that Bambi’s forest is a womb?

I sort of feel like Bill tries to force his own opinion on us every week, rather than teaching us a theory that we can apply to our own work and ideas.

I’m also not sure what relevance this lecture had to Character Creation.

I’ve never really taken much notice of Japanese Animation, although I do vaguely remember Pokemon and Didgemon.  I always found the style quite funny but a bit confusing, and the stories a little obscure.  American animation, however, is extremely clear story wise (unless you read way too deep into things like our Bill), and the comedy is there for both children and adults, and as Ivan mentioned in the intertextuality lecture, there are clever little references made to older texts in order to engage the adults a bit more.

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